Code name (Unique Key)
Type of timber evidence
Stone base with mortises / bedding
Location code
Space code
Structural unit code
Number of bases
There are four column bases around the circular hearth in the centre of domos.
Position of the base in the structural unit
It is one of the column base around the circular hearth in the centre of domos.
Position in the space
It is the northeast column base.
Shape of the base
Position of the stone base
On the floor
If on the floor, method of setting / fitting in/on the floor
In the floor
General description of the base
A square base one of the fourth around the hearth at the domos of Megaron.
Media legend and metadata
Χρ. Τσούντας, Ανασκαφαί Μυκηνών του 1886,ΠΑΕ 1886,σ.59-79,πιν.4-5.
Α.Wace,Mycenae an Archaeological History and Guide, Princeton New Jersey,Princeton University Press 1949.
Sp.Iakovidis, Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece, Leiden, 1983.
Γ.Μυλωνάς, Πολύχρυσοι Μυκήναι, Εκδοτική Αθηνών, 1983.
Α.Wace,Mycenae an Archaeological History and Guide, Princeton New Jersey,Princeton University Press 1949.
Sp.Iakovidis, Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece, Leiden, 1983.
Γ.Μυλωνάς, Πολύχρυσοι Μυκήναι, Εκδοτική Αθηνών, 1983.