
Code name (Unique Key)


Name of the space

Space 457 Room 29

Function of the space

Living areas

Architectural features

Floor covering

General description of the space

A basement room (Room 29) of House III is roughly 2.60 m. from east to west by 3.15 from north to south.The west wall is different from the others. It was constructed by clay mortar and it was propably built later than the rest of the room.

Media legend and metadata



Shear Mylonas Ione,The Panagia Houses at Myceanae,University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia,1987.

Linked resources

  • At the east end of the north wall of Room 29 the doorway, 0.72m wide leads ...

  • The threshold is covered by hard-packed earth...

  • Three flat irregular stones set at floor level form the threshold of the do...

  • A badly preserved blocked doorway in its east wall 0.96m. wide stood 0.275...