
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of timber evidence


Space code

Structural unit code

General description of the timber element

At the north eastern side of the entrance from the court to the vestibule five square to rectangular dowel holes in the upper surface of the anta block was found indicating either the reinforcement of the pier or an horizontal reinforcement of the wall.

Media legend and metadata



Χρ.Τσούντας, Ανασκαφαί Μυκηνών του 1886,(πιν.4 και 5),Πρακτικά της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία,1888, τόμος 41, 59-79.
Sp.Iakovidis, Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece, Leiden, 1983,47-48.
K.Shelton, Well Built Mycenae, Fascicule 14: Tsountas House Area, Archaeopress Archaeology, 2022,p.14-15.
M. Küpper, Mykenische Architektur Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungsbild, M.Leidorf Verlag GmbH -Espelkamp,1996,Abb.181.