House of Columns/House of the Artisans at Mycenae

Code name (Unique Key)





Citadel at Mycenae


House of Columns/House of the Artisans at Mycenae

General type of building

Elite building

General functions of the building


General description of the location

House of the Columns is an extensive building to the east of the Artists` Workshop (at the east wing of Palace). It is a luxurious complex of multi storey buildings with a main court surrounded by porticoes supported on colonnades, ancillary areas and a well-stocked store rooms.

Media legend and metadata



Α.Wace,Mycenae an Archaeological History and Guide, Princeton New Jersey,Princeton University Press 1949,91-97.
Sp.Iakovidis, Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece, Leiden, 1983,64-66.
Γ.Μυλωνάς, Πολύχρυσοι Μυκήναι, Εκδοτική Αθηνών,1983,120-124.

Linked resources

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  • A large conglomerate threshold found in situ about 2.50 m long and 1.10 m.w...

  • A row of five columns (five conglomerate column bases preserved) situated a...

  • A space south of the megaron functioned as a court with three colonnades (a...

  • Conglomerate stone base of 0.57 diameter found in situ...

  • Conglomerate stone base of 0.57 diameter found in situ...

  • Conglomerate stone base of 0.57 diameter found in situ...

  • Conglomerate stone base of 0,57 diameter found in situ...

  • Conglomerate stone base of 0,57 diameter found in situ...

  • A row of three columns (one conglomerate column base out of three is pre...

  • It should be a conglomerate stone base of 0,57 diameter...

  • It should be a conglomerate stone base of 0,57 diameter...

  • A conglomerate stone base of 0,57 diameter...

  • It is a conglomerate stone base of 0.75 diameter...

  • It is a conglomerate stone base of 0,75 diameter...

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  • It is a door used as an entrance to a porch into the megaron of the buildin...