
Code name (Unique Key)


Type of timber evidence

Chase in the wall

Location code

Space code

Structural unit code

Position of the chase / cuvity in the structural unit

The internal horizontal timber of the pier and window structure

Position in the space

North wall of room I.5

Chase or cuvity on

Rubble masonry with ashlar frame

Shape of the chase / cuvity


Orientation of the chase / cuvity

Horizontal longitudinal

Distance of the chase / cuvity from the floor/ground level


Dimensions of the chase / cuvity

4.20 x 0.13 x 0.17 (approximately, measured on the survey drawings of Palyvou)

Preserved height


Preserved length


Preserved width


General description of the chase / cuvity

A horizontal longitudinal chase for the north timber sill of the pier and window of room I.5. The visible part of the timber was 4,20m and there was an additional extension of the timber in the walls in both ends leaving the imprint of a hole. To the west, it is a cylidrical hole approx 0,11m diameter, and to the east is a hole in the wall, of another 0,50m lenght and served also as a horizontal reinforcement of the wall.