This Space is the east side of the Ramp which leads the roadway up from th...
Διδακτορική Διατριβή
Διδακτορική Διατριβή
Διδακτορική Διατριβή
Flat roof with beams spanning 4,90m and a dorosis....
A staircase with a stringwall. The number of flights is unknown. Most proba...
Most probably a horizontal longitudinal reinforcement timber element on the...
A window, part of a door-and -window structural unit of the entrance to the...
The entrance door of the East Building, partly reconstructed with concrete....
A window on the east external wall of room D.0.18b....
A window on the east external wall of room D.0.18a....
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
The chase of the internal horizontal timber, the sill of the pier and windo...
The chase of the external horizontal timber, the sill of the pier and windo...
A chase of a timber elementa as a horizontal reinforcement of the masonry...
A pier and window partition with 4 divisions on the east external wall of r...
An almost rectangular room with a central column and a pier-and-window part...
A window sill reconstructed in conrete....
A jamb reconstructed in conrete....
A jamb reconstructed in conrete. The reconstruction corresponds to the heig...
A reconstructed door jamb....
A reconstructed door jamb....
A roughly shaped andesite stone base, at the threshold of the entrance door...
A reconstructed door jamb....
A reconstructed window jamb....
The entrance door of the South Building, partly reconstructed. There is evi...
The external window sill reconstructed in concrete....
A horizontal longitudinal chase of a reinforcement timber element on the e...
A horizontal longitudinal chase of a reinforcement timber element on the e...
A horizontal longitudinal chase of a reinforcement timber element on the e...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the northeast corner...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the east wall of roo...
A horizontal longitudinal chase of a reinforcement timber element...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the east wall of roo...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the south wall of ro...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch...
A horizontal longitudinal hole of a reinforcement timber element, along th...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the south and west w...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the south and west w...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the south wall of ro...
A hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the south wall of ro...
A rectangular hole of a reinforcement timber element, diagonal to the corn...
Part of the flat roof covering room I.7. It consisted of beams, spanning 2,...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element on the west corner of...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...
A horizontal chase of a reinforcement timber element, probably a branch wh...
A horizontal system of timber reinforcement of masonry on the walls of room...
A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the nor...
A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...
A horizontal transversal hole at the sill of the pier and window of the wes...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
An imprint of the pier of the window, made by timber frame and an infill of...
A horizontal longitudinal chase for the west timber sill of the pier and wi...
A horizontal longitudinal chase for the west timber sill of the pier and wi...
A horizontal longitudinal chase for the north timber sill of the pier and w...
A horizontal longitudinal chase for the north timber sill of the pier and w...
A vertical chase for the northeast timber jamb of the pier and window of ro...
A vertical chase for the southeast timber jamb of the pier and window of ro...
A horizontal chase of a timber at the basis of the mudbrick wall of room I....
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.7. It is not pr...
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.7. It is not pr...
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.7. The east par...
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.3...
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.7...
A vertical chase of a timber at the mudbrick wall of room I.7. It is preser...
Imprint of the west side of the mud brick that was used as infill to the ti...